About the AuthorJordan Lee Wagner lives in Newton, Massachusetts, where he is a director of his synagogue and an active volunteer in outreach to new Americans. His work has appeared in such publications as The Journal of Chemical Physics, Soundwaves, Byte, PC Tech Journal, and The Celator. Mr. Wagner has served several congregations as administrator, and currently teaches third grade at Torah Academy in Brookline, Mass. He sings in various Jewish choirs and spends his time developing websites, writing music, and playing with his twin baby daughters.
ISBN#1-56821-967-9. Hardcover. 347 pages. $46.95. It may be purchased in person at bookstores, or on-line from Amazon.Com (Earth's Biggest Bookstore) as well as other sites, or by mail directly from the author. Books purchased from the author can be autographed, or inscribed to someone as you may suggest. Jordan Lee Wagner is also the author of "Siddur Ba-Eir Hei-Teiv -- The Transliterated Siddur". This enables anyone to follow a traditional service and sing along.